Lyrics - Friendly Retort

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Give in, my friend
The need for saving face can't meet your ends
It's there, your call
the only excuse you need is alcohol
I know, I can tell
that your choices are made for you and no one else
And Since there's no pressure here or there
if someone notices it's all right
If someone notices you wouldn't care

and if, you're not sure yet
when you wake up alone just think of the regrets
good luck , You chose well
Now that he's left and I can finally tell
He'll close his eyes and just pretend
that he's nothing if not discrete
That his partings not manifest

So good, to listen in
as the humiliations follow him
When I got burned I could not justify, myself
but the substantive part of chance
has given me my reply

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Words and Music by Dan Sheridan
Lyrics reprinted by Permission.
All Rights Reserved.